Drone Aerial Mapping

CNA is at the forefront of geospatial and survey & mapping technologies. CNA has embraced aerial mapping technologies for years and has deployed Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) drones for the purpose of surveying, mapping, remote sensing and data collecting. Utilizing specialized cameras mounted on the drone, along with high-precision GPS, CNA is able to survey a project area and collect myriads of data types for processing and analysis. This data is in turn used to accurately create 3D models, point clouds, and 2D maps which form a solid foundation for a project. research and planning, clash detection, as-built mapping, vegetation and plant health, construction monitoring, stock pile measuring, and site feature location. UAS drones are essential in creating aerial ortho-mosaic photography, which provides highly accurate, full color photographs of a project area and its surroundings. These photos have numerous use applications such as, monitoring, reporting, research, planning, engineering and design. CNA currently employs seven (7) FAA Part 107 UAS drone pilots, one (1) mapping scientist, and Professional Land Surveyors to stay at the forefront of this technology.