Plan Checking
Our experienced Civil Engineering staff provides plan checking services for various Cities within Southern California. Specifically, we review technical plans and maps relating to the services that we offer to ensure they are of the highest quality and meet current jurisdictional codes and regulations.
Capital Improvement
- Budgeting
- Scheduling
- Plan check
- Estimating
- Public bidding
Development Review
- EIR and specific plan review
- Preliminary review
- Condition development
- Plan and map check
- Permit issuance
Plan and Map Check
- Verify estimates
- Verify conformance with codes and approved standards
- Preparation of standard checklists
- Rapid turn around
Traffic Engineering
- Review traffic studies
- Condition new projects
- Warrant studies
- Speed surveys
- Traffic counts
- Capacity studies
Assessment Districts
- Feasibility studies
- Cost benefits spreadsheet
- Engineers report